Indoor Positioning Systems IoT Infrastructure

Bluetooth and Ultra-wideband indoor positioning system (ISP) infrastructures are available. Both real-time location systems (RTLS) have advantages to be considered.


Smart IoT Devices and Cloud Solutions that help transform buildings into safe & sustainable indoor environment. Turnkey solutions or augment an existing solution, leveraging the Wi-Fi already in place.

System Benefits

o Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) Technology

o Room-Level Location Accuracy

o Up To 8 Year Battery Life

o Wi-Fi Compatible 


Low-cost Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) to Wi-Fi gateway device designed for  location-accurate solutions. Deploy in minutes by plugging it into a power outlet and manage with ease with over-the-air (OTA) updates.



Ultra-Wideband UWB

Real-time location system (RTLS) all-in-one platform, serving multiple indoor tracking use cases. Operates on dedicated, unoccupied and interference-free ultra-wideband UWB technology that is fully industry certified.

System Benefits

o  UWB Interference-Free Technology

o  30 cm Accuracy

o  Rechargeable Battery

o  Fully Scalable Solution

o  Harsh Environment Reliability


Two different anchors are offered to meet customers operational requirements and budgets. The combination of directional and omnidirectional anchors ensures the best performance and ROI within a single installation.